In the Long Beach Area Code games, Game 3 featured the faux-Reds vs. faux-Athletics.
Kyson Donahue, INF: Nice coordination and consistent body control for a lanky body like his.
Jack Filby, INF: + Arm, Nice glovework seen at 3B.
Nicolas Malbrough, INF: Easy, loose athleticism. Showed best arm in the OF.
Osiris Johnson, INF: Quick, nimble feet in the infield.
Matt Clayton, C: Strong arm, slightly slower body. 1.95s pop time.
Zachary Morgan, C: Quick body but limited arm, 2.00s pop time. Nice receiving with good ball/strike maturity. Seemed to know the right moments to hold vs. get the ball back to the mound.
Matt Libertore, LHP: Mid-rubber, sling-like release from a 3/4 slot. Obviously talented pitcher. Worked fastball all over the zone, 12/6 CB. Slim body with long limbs and sloping shoulders. FB 90-92, CHG 82, CB 71. Curveball has nice spin and shape to it and can be repeatedly thrown for strikes, flashes ++ impact. + FB command. Able to work an angle to his glove side to move away from RHH.
Sam Stoutenborough, RHP: Narrow body, FB/CB/SL repetoire? 2SM and 4SM seen. Works 1B side with moderate effort. FB 87/88 with shakey command. Curve around 74/75 with soft break, lollipop pitch. Has good CB feel though. Might project on the CB with such a foundation of feel.
Mitch Parker, LHP: Funky windup with a more OK arm action. Stab and jerk before really accelerating arm into position. Body is stronger in the lower 1/2, light torso. Delivery spreads limbs wide and works a soft FB/CB combination. Excellent deception from the stretch.
Nolan Gorman, INF: Nice glove at 3B. Excellent plays made routinely. Displayed (+) backspin/carry on a batll driven out to LF, causing an error in judgment from the fielder.
Dennis Boatman, RHP: Long legs on OK body. Wristy arm action. Soft repetoire of FB/CB with minimal impact. Might be working a splitter too. Questionable control.
Boston Mabeus, LHP: Hi 3/4 release. Ty Blach looking body, thick pear shape. Postured up in delivery. CB at 71, nice shape but light impact. Poor FB command, pulled into the dirt at 86/87. Walked bases loaded in appearance.
Brandon: Vs poor ctrl LHP, still swing/miss in approach. Disappointing AB.
Jack Sellinger, LHP: Weird and fun pitcher. Throws like the lovehchild of Yasiel Puig and Carter Capps. More like an NFL quarterback than a pitcher, puts the baseball at his ear and just lets it rip. Exactly how Yasiel Puig throws from the OF. The lower half also gets away with an extreme lunge to home plate. Works FB at 89 and a SL. Perceived velocity must be off the charts w/ deception and extension.
Cody Jensen, RHP: Shows a fairly polished repetoire of FB/CB/CHG. Smooth mechanics in the delivery and flashes + on the secondaries. FB has some sink to it. CHG is sold well but has little movement. Low plane on all pitches out of the hand. Tired quickly though, grooved pitches into the zone in 2nd inning of appearance.
Chase Webster, RHP: Looks uncomfortable and unbalance on a mound in the first place. Very odd to see. Might have been his dug-in spot, but rarely see a pitcher so out of sorts on the mound. Breaks high abv waist and has short/compact arm action. FB 88, SL 80. Might be getting less out of his body than possible. Looks like little is used in delivery other than arm/shoulder.
Tanner O'Tremba, LF: Big Hacks, but has the bat control to pull it off. Tyler White look to him in body and approach. Reads CB out of the hand well. Squat look w/ little legs. Closed stance to wide finish.
Tyler Woessner, RHP: Big frame with projection in the future. FB/SL at 86/75 respectively. Quick body. Athleticism in movements and in balance. Could see some future there.
Titus Groeneweg, LHP: All arms and torso. Lithe physique. Loose wrists. SL at 85, CHG 73, bugs bunny look to it. CB at 72, 66, 68. Flat fastball at 87. Mixed bag coming out of an intriguing/highly unknown package.